
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Women are valued here at Renewed Life. We know there is so much confusion in our world when discussions of gender arise. We also know the historic church has not valued or seen your greatness.
Women reflect the other side of the Image of God.
RLC seeks to help you explore this valuable side of God. We also seek to help you find healing from the hurt's, abuses, and disappointments that have happened to you. God has transformative healing for you.

You have a place where you can be seen, heard, and valued. You as a woman have a voice and a place at the table.
The Church of the Nazarene has always valued women and their voice from even before the official formation of the denomination. Many of our churches here on the West Texas district were started by pioneering women who were unafraid to preach the message of hope and holiness.

We also know with the attacks on traditional families have brought great damage to the stability of the home. Culture works hard to confuse and lie to all of us about who we are. Know we believe God through the gift of femininity can help bring balance to our families.

Know that regardless of choices made in the past that God still can heal and does accept you.

If your interested in helping be a part of such a community then please let us know by filling out the form below.
We are here to listen and be an encouragement to you on your journey.

Saturday Morning Coffee

Queen Anne Coffeehouse  6:30am

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Small Groups

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Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.


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Betrayal and Beyond

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Feature Three

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Tres Dias

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Quest / Fellowship of the Sword

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Feature Six

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